
The camp, the first ever opened in Germany (March 1933), was initially designed for German opponents of the regime, before it began taking in tens of thousands of deportees, including many Jews. More than 32 000 people died there.

Dachau - the significance of this name will never be erased from German history. It stands for all concentration camps which the Nazis established in their territory.
(Eugen Kogon)
I would like people to know that there were no nameless heroes, that they were human beings, that they had names, faces, longings and hopes. That is also the reason why the pain of the last of them was not smaller than the pain of the first whose name remained
(Julius Fucik, born in 1903, executed by the Nazis in 1943)
The day is over, April 29, 1945. For the rest of my life I will celebrate this day as my second birthday. The day I received the gift of my new life.
(Edgar Kupfer-Koberwitz)


Didi Niederkofler

Salzburg Tours


Didi do Brasil Tours

